- 饮食服务员
- 工业技工
- 非熟练工
- 客房服务员
- 机械操作员
- 行政人员
- 救生员
- 工厂操作员
- 货车驾驶员
- 注册护士
- 注册护士(可掌控护理过程)
- 个人护理人员
- 锯木厂与木工人员
- 夏季学生
- 护理居住中心辅导护理助理
- 大专教授
- 促销人员
- 收银员
- 司钻助理
- 护理居住中心工作人员
Sandro is looking at the camera
Sandro says I went to Timmins. I did a two-year course in Northern College, for social work. Then, after I met my wife, we came, we moved here to Kirkland Lake, and I decided to go back to college to become a police officer. I took Police Foundation. I've been a police officer since 2008.
Sandro is in the police cruiser driving up to a building
Sandro says Uh, my job right now, as we speak, is to go to school and teach kids about their program, about, you know, drug awareness program, and go to the high school, teach them about bullying, you know, like, prevention.
Sandro is getting out of the car. He then starts talking to an elderly woman
Sandro says I do a lot of community service here in town, help with elderly, with the, with kids.
Sandro is looking at the camera
Sandro says just be a jack of all trades, and also, respond to calls for service.
Sandro is talking into the window of a car that’s pulled over on the side of the road.
Sandro says Euh, moi, personnellement, j'aime Kirkland Lake, parce que c'est une petite communauté.
Sandro is in the police cruiser talking to a local
Sandro says Euh, il y a beaucoup de choses à faire ici, euh, pour, pour une population de 10,000 personnes.
Sandro is looking at the camera
Sandro says Tu peux faire du ski alpin, du patinage. Le hockey c'est très, très gros ici. Et puis, tout le monde connait tout le monde.
View of the streets from a car, building, people and cars are passing by
Sandro says Et, et personnellement, pour moi, vivre ici à Kirkland Lake, euh, tout le monde connaît les policiers, alors ils viennent te parler personnellement pour les aider.
Sandro is looking at the camera
Sandro says Et moi, je trouve ça très, euh, je trouve ça c'est extrêmement important comme ça. Alors, c'est pour ça que j'aime Kirkland Lake.
On screen text
On screen text Can you describe Northeastern Ontario in one word?
Sandro is looking at the camera, then one after the other people from a variety of ethnic background say their answer.
Sandro says Bienvenue
Child 1 says Education
Male 4 says Relaxed
Child 2 says Community
Female 5 speaks in her native language
Female 6 says Safe then speaks in her native language and then laughs
On screen text
On screen text Your Gateway to the Goodlife is Here. Breathe in a Fresh New Life in Northeastern Ontario.
- 矿业,林业,水电
- 同时,以下的行业也有工作机会
- 医疗
- 大专
- 大学
- 制造
- 旅店服务
- 通信系统
- 航空
- 工程业
- 社会工作和其他职业
上网查询找工作的各种服务与资源,而最理想的是在抵达加拿大之前就开始进行。安省就业部在各城镇中设有办事处,可以在这方面协助您。加拿大国家政府的国家就业库(national job bank)里可查询到非常多的工作机会。除此,Far Northeast Training Board (远东北训练局)也有一个区域性的就业库。
Professions North (北方专业) (PNN) 是劳伦森大学在安省北部新设立的一项免费服务,一方面为劳工短缺的雇主找寻员工,另一方面为受过非本地训练的专业人士找寻工作。