Tejal says Full name is Tejal, and we are owner from India.
Tejal is looking at the camera
Tejal says We just wanted to try ourself in other country, how the things go, and we work about five, six years, and then we decided, okay, well, we're going to start with the business and how things go and we start the business. We are running the motel, gas station, and restaurant. We start from the North Bay, and then we move after Cochrane and here.
On screen text
On screen text Kapuskasing, Ontario
A car pulls up to a restaurant. Tejal is entering information on a computer
Tejal says We just recently bought the Casey, and we are just getting and learning still.
Tejal is talking to a group of restaurant workers.
Tejal says the more employee here. I have close to about 30 here. Yeah. And then other, has, I think about seven, eight, and other has four.
Tejal is looking at the camera
Tejal says I mostly find more familiar, like a similarity, like, our back home small-town things.
Tejal is driving in her car to make deliveries of food to the customers.
Tejal says Like, because, we're from the small town, so how the people, like, know each other. The--You know the neighbour. You can trust your neighbour, everything. It's the same atmosphere I see here too. So, like, you know, it's, it's kind of attaching to us, for us, you know, like, you know. We are from the country, but one way we are not feeling far, because we can feel the same atmosphere here.
Tejal is taking to restaurant kitchen staff
Tajal says The good place to do business, good place to raise your kids.
Tejal is taking notes while talking on the phone
Tejal says We definitely going to stick around here for sure.
On screen text
On screen text Can you describe Northeastern Ontario in one word?
Tejal is looking at the camera, then one after the other people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds say their answer.
Tejal says Opportunity
Female 3 says Future
Male 7 says Success
Guy says Big
Aakash says Prosperity
Child 1 says Friendly
Female 4 speaks in her native language then laughs
On screen text reads Your Gateway to the Goodlife is Here. Breathe in a Fresh New Life in Northeastern Ontario.
有很多移民企业家来安省东北区是为了买一门生意。最多新来人士买下的生意有汽车旅馆,旅店,餐馆,快餐连锁店经销权,汽车加油站,药房,方便点,以及商业产。也有一些自己创业的人,他们有些是得到城镇内企业中心的协助,有些是得到省级中心的资助。安省北区的企业家也可能可以申请FedNor(国北)或者Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation(北安文化遗产资金团体)的协助。这两个都是政府设立的经济发展局,为的是促进受重视的领域里企业的发展。