Greater SudburyResourceful City
The City of Greater Sudbury boasts the highest human capital index -- the ability to develop and utilize talent -- for indigenous and newcomer populations, not only in the region, but also provincially and nationally. The city is a regional, multicultural and bilingual centre in business services, tourism, health care and research, education and government, with the third largest Francophone population, in Canada outside of Quebec.The city is the largest municipality in Ontario in terms of area, at 3,627 km2, and covers a mix of urban, suburban, rural and wilderness environments. The City of Greater Sudbury is a world class mining centre and Northern Ontario’s most populated City with more than 160,000 people. Local mines employ approximately 6,000 people, and support 300 mining-related companies that provide jobs for another 10,000 people. Greater Sudbury is the home of Laurentian University, Cambrian College and Collège Boréal.
Community Information


English 65%
French 30%

TransCanada Highway #17, Highway #69 and Highway #144
Canadian National Railway
Canadian Pacific Railway
Ontario Northland
Greater Sudbury Airport

Average House Price
Working Information

Mining, mining supply & services
Advanced education, research and innovation
Health Services
Arts & Culture

Major Employers
Health Sciences North
Canada Revenue Agency - Sudbury Tax Services Office
City of Greater Sudbury

Business Services
The Greater Sudbury Development Corporation
Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce
Regional Business Center to Business Services

Average Household Income

Greater Sudbury Child Care Registry

Primary Schools
Rainbow District School Board
Sudbury Catholic District School Board
Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l’Ontario
Conseil scolaire catholique de Nouvel-Ontario

Secondary Schools
Rainbow District School Board
Sudbury Catholic District School Board
Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l’Ontario
Conseil scolaire catholique de Nouvel-Ontario

Post Secondary Education
Laurentian University
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Cambrian College
College Boreal
Contact North
Health & Social Services

Health Sciences North/Horizon Santé-Nord

Fire Department
Fire Services – Greater Sudbury

Greater Sudbury Police Services

Health Services
Sudbury and District Health Unit
The Northeast Cancer Centre of HSN
Recreation & Activities

SilverCity Sudbury Cinemas
Imagine Cinemas Downtown Movie Lounge
Science North Imax Theatre

Lively Ski Hill
Adanac Ski Hill

Clancy’s Cross Country Skiing and Hiking Trails
Rainbow Routes

Anderson Farm Museum
Copper Cliff Museum
Flour Mill Museum
Sudbury Region Police Museum
Rayside Balfour Museum
Shopping & Entertainment

Sudbury Theatre Centre
Theatre Cambrian
Theatre du Nouvel-Ontario

Art Gallery of Sudbury
Galerie due nouvel - Ontario
Northern Artisit Gallery-Artist on Elgin

Cinefest Sudbury International Film Festival
Le French Fest
Jazz Sudbury Festival
Northern Lights Festival Boreal
Sudbury Dragan Boat Festival
Sudbury Gardening Festival
Sudbury Rods and Rails Classic Car Show
Downtown Sudbury Ribfest
Wahnapitae First Nation Pow Wow
Atikameksheng Anishnawbek First Nation Pow Wow
Blueburry Festival
Sudbury Gem and Mineral Show