The City of Greater Sudbury boasts the highest human capital index -- the ability to develop and utilize talent -- for indigenous and newcomer populations, not only in the region, but also provincially and nationally. The city is a regional, multicultural and bilingual centre in business services, tourism, health care and research, education and government, with the third largest Francophone population, in Canada outside of Quebec.The city is the largest municipality in Ontario in terms of area, at 3,627 km2, and covers a mix of urban, suburban, rural and wilderness environments. The City of Greater Sudbury is a world class mining centre and Northern Ontario’s most populated City with more than 160,000 people. Local mines employ approximately 6,000 people, and support 300 mining-related companies that provide jobs for another 10,000 people. Greater Sudbury is the home of Laurentian University, Cambrian College and Collège Boréal.
Community Information
English 65%
French 30%
TransCanada Highway #17, Highway #69 and Highway #144
Canadian National Railway
Canadian Pacific Railway
Ontario Northland
Greater Sudbury Airport
Average House Price